The Journal of Methvas Aranongo – Entry Three

Lovlun 32, 1646

Fidel and Abby have found a home in Marides. A good place for them to settle down and raise a family of their own, should they choose that course. Fidel seemed unsure on what he wanted to do in regards to children. I’ll let the two of them work it out.

I had to leave them behind. While I may have defected the battle just under a month ago, my honor doesn’t allow me to abandon my kingdom. I received word from Lord Ias that Harlow’s Hovel has decided to withdrawal from the northern alliance. The people will need their Arch Mage so I have decided to return.

I’m a little worried for Fidel as he seemingly decided he wants nothing to do with the rest of the world. While that may be peaceful for awhile, I’m certain he will become bored and take up arms again. I wished him and Abby luck before I departed.

I will be meeting with Pravas soon to go over Lord Fineal’s plan for the future of Puldechra. The battle continues last I heard and losses are still higher on the Barams side. But I do not doubt that Lusetar Timpes has something up his sleeves.

All of us need to be ready for it.

-Methvas Aranongo