An Alive One

After a few moments, the assassin grew impatient. “Order your guards to attack or step aside,” he warned. “I’m a busy man and have things to attend to. The guild has made it clear to me they will work with anybody who sits upon that throne upon my departure.”

“What kind of a King would I be to allow an assassin to murder my kin?” the King hissed.

“An alive one,” the assassin retorted.

Ares’ Abomination in the works

My third installment in the Trials of Fidel Austempes is well on its way. I am planning to finish the rough draft around the end of June. I’m targeting this one to be three times longer than the last book and covering a much larger time span. So far, I am up to 24 characters developing and I don’t see an end in sight yet as the story unravels in my head.

The one thing I’m keeping in mind is that nobody likes a happy ending!

Hmm. That doesn’t sound right…or is it everybody likes a happy ending?

Oh well, I’ll figure that out eventually. Off to the keyboard!